Q. What happens to the soul after it leaves the body?

A. Many religions give many theories of what happens to the soul once it is out of the body. According to Islam and Christianity the human life is linear which means there is no concrete answer to what happens to the soul after it leaves the body. Buddhism doesn't know many such deep answers because they don't believe in the existence of the soul. Both Spirituality and Hinduism ,the most ancient religion of the world, says that the soul is immortal, non destructive and impreshible energy therefore the soul enters another body after it leaves the existing body. Human bodies are coined as costumes in these two beliefs. Where one changes its costume and takes another one.

Soul is an immortal, imperishable, and indestructible energy which runs the human body. Spirituality  goes further more to explain this question. It is up to you to read it with an open mind and see the logic behind it, you don't have to contrast or compare, it's just one of the explanations.

Spirituality tells that the soul leaves one body and enters another immediately, depending upon the karmas it has done in the previous birth, it gets a body. When the woman is about four months pregnant the soul enters the body and a life is formed. They believe life is cyclic and keeps coming into the life and death cycle. The karmic philosophy plays a dominant role in the birth and death cycle. The better the karmas the better the next birth, if bad karmas next birth is crippled by many physical, social and financial difficulties.

For an interesting explanation read my book 'Enlightened!(a spiritual journey)' available on Kindle. The book has great examples and explanations.

Q. Can our thoughts reach the people who have died?

Definitely yes!!

As I have always said, thoughts are energy and energy has vibrations, which can reach living or dead people all the time. Spirituality tells us that a soul is most vulnerable when it is out of the body. The soul is very confused and is also unhappy for leaving its loved ones. Plus is able to see the entire lifetime which it just left as a movie being played on its memory disc. The soul is disheartened and helpless to console its loved ones. It is catching every negative or positive thought.

The thoughts of sadness, anger, sudden demise, or loneliness are all felt by the soul who has left the body. Even if it goes into a new body immediately it is not attached to its new body but is still with the old set of people and is sad for leaving them. Why am I saying this over and over because I want to give a clear picture of what is going on with the soul. Therefore, the people whom the soul has left should only send nice and happy thoughts for those thoughts can make the transition of the soul easy and helpful. As soul is a metaphysical energy it is not seen by the naked eyes but is felt through its vibrations. Sending thoughts of love, gratefulness, and most of all asking the deceased soul to be happy wherever it is helps the soul tremendously and makes the transition very smooth.

A soul can catch any thoughts given by the family it was in a few days back. It is also a belief in Hinduism that the deceased person lives with the family for about 12 days and then moves on its journey. Spirituality explains that as soul is an energy, its vibrations are still felt by the family, though the person has left the body and the body has been cremated, buried, or drowned as per the ritual the family follows.

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