1.  Are orphans as happy and successful as others without an inferiority?

A.Success and happiness are two different things.  According to the worldly definition Success is accomplishments, it is the hard earned achievements of life. When your hard work pays back you are said to be successful. It differs from the spiritual definition because in Spirituality success is in giving to others because that enhances your getting capacity.

Happiness is an innate quality,happiness is there with you forever, it is you who decides to be happy all the time or not.  Another thing you talk in this question is about self esteem. Self esteem is your self worth, how do you value yourself ? None of the three are interrelated yet depending on the situation can correlate.  One can be uberly successful but not be happy at all, another can be very self worthy but not be successful. It is totally on how one sees one self. In both the aspects one can be happy or unhappy is completely up to them.

An orphan might lack the love of parents, the sweet memories of childhood but can be successful and content with his or her accomplishments. Not having parents, can be missing out on support and love but not happiness. As mentioned before happiness is your own creation. It is within you.

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