My previous post had a poem on devotion. In the poem I tried to explain what is devotion and how to achieve that state .To do so one needs to first understand the initial step to climb the stairs of devotion. Which are simplified as follows, see if you  can correlate to any? Foremost,

Knowledge of God.

Connecting to God.

Unshakeable faith in God.

Relationship with God

Many of you may say we know all the above,we practice them too,and have a clear understanding of all the points mentioned. Interestingly! You are all correct too. I had the same mindset when I was on my journey of knowing God, I strongly believed that I know him, pray him and am fully devoted to God. One by one all my illogical beliefs, which were based on myths of religious practices or childhood watch and do habits, got resolved. The answers got so crystal that I can share them with you.

Meditate comes from a Latin word ‘meditari’ which means to think, contemplate, or conceive.  In our daily lives we use the term meditation to a broad variety of practices that includes techniques designed to promote relaxation like breathing exercises, build internal energy, develop compassion,love, patience, generosity, and forgiveness. The other major practice has been a component of numerous religious traditions and beliefs. All the outwardly physical efforts are coined as meditation.

According to Spirituality meditation is “remembering”. Yes! As simple as it gets. To meditate means to remember someone or something. When we simplify this big word into such an elementary explanation, the big bothersome word disappears and magically turns into a doable task rather than a challenge. We remember people, events, objects, almost every passing  minute in a day, similarly we  can remember God. We don't need any religious tools to think about him. Any particular prayer, rites or rituals, or religious practice is not necessary to remember God. Not even closing your eyes. Do you close your eyes while talking to your parents or friends or perform any of such rites when you remember your parent, or a friend or any other soul? Then why such a deal with God?

He just needs to hear our daily conversation,our ups and downs, our happy and unhappy experiences in our own truthful words and deep feelings. Not any memorized lines or rites given to us by the souls from bhakti/devotional movement. Those gestures were their heartfelt appeals to God not our words. How can anybody know what is going on in my mind other than myself? Therefore, remember God as you remember any soul you are close to.  You will realize that in no time you will learn how to connect to him cause he is eager to hear from you as well.

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