Empathy and sympathy are the most commonly used words, which are used similarly and often interchangeably (incorrectly so) but differ subtly in their emotional meaning. Empathy is the ability to experience the feelings of another person. It goes beyond sympathy, which is caring and understanding for the suffering of others. Sympathy is feeling compassion, sorrow, or pity for the hardships that another person encounters. Whereas, empathy is putting yourself in the shoes of another, and see from their perspective.

A decade back, I would too, merely sympathize with other person's emotions and move on till I experienced losing my closed one, for what Empathy was?

When the tragedy hit me and I realized that death is inevitable, we all will go through this phase many a times and lose our closed ones one after another till we are laid to rest. I could put myself in other people's shoes easily and effectively now,  but other questions started to bother me more.

Questions which were not answered to my satisfaction. Queries which were disturbing but were needed for the growth of human mind.  Most  commonly asked questions like who am I ? Why is this cycle of life and death so important?  What is there beyond life? What is the purpose of my life? Let alone, my purpose... what is Life? All such questions clouded my mind and made my thinking more foggy than usual.

I repeatedly  started asking myself so what is Life ? Is it this body? Is it my family? Is it my work? Is it my name?  Is it this world? What the heck is LIFE… after all??

One very strong answer or a visualization I had one day while sitting in silence for a few minutes, which arouse my awareness to a higher level, which was that it is I who live in this body, when I depart this body is dead, it is a piece of meat, flesh without blood. When I depart I leave my name,my family, my work, my earning and the little world around me. None of  what I see with these naked eyes or I touch with these hands or feel through this heart goes with me when I depart. If all this which is left behind is perishable then what is this imperishable life which goes away?  What is this I-?

The answer or the realization I got was that this I is actually, the life . Which runs this body, through which I live my name, my family, my work and my world. This I is the energy or the little point of light called the ‘soul’ which ignites the glow of this world, and we humans, all together, little points of light, illuminate this world and make it a paradise. This realization, awakened my desire to know more on this I -the life and I started on my journey of Spirituality.

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