What is a thought? The answer would be a Thought is a product of mental activity.
The definitions according to many dictionaries are stated below
Word THOUGT is a noun:
● It is a single act, an idea or a notion.
● It can also be a reflection of event(s), or consideration to a happening(s).
● It is the capacity of our brain or faculty of thinking, reasoning, imagining, and creating.
● A thought can also be defined as meditation, recollection and contemplation.

According to Spirituality

(Spirituality is a study of the soul, spirit and the being. We are all Human Beings.)
What are thoughts?
● Thought is the seed of the tree of life.
● Thoughts are energy coming of your soul.
● Thoughts are considered living just like your soul.
● Thoughts are vibrations, which goes in the universe, resonates and comes back.
● Thoughts hold the magnetic power, which attracts the mind/ desire

Thoughts are basic foundation of any and every action you take, whether the action is verbal, physical or emotional. Thoughts are considered as high energy of your mind. Thoughts are as living as you and me.

Thoughts send a vibration in the environment because, they are high energy and that energy is reflected back
Thoughts have a tremendous power on our soul. Thoughts shape our personalities. Thoughts not only impact on one lifetime but are carried into many births. True! According to the study of Spirituality, it is believed that the human soul carry forwards its karmic accounts with it into the next birth.
Human comes from the Greek word Humus which means soil/ dirt. In many cultures around the world human body is considered dirt because it decays after death. This is the reason it is buried or cremated because it turns into ashes/ dirt or soil. But what happens to the “Being” part of the Human Being?
“Being” is the soul of our body which lies or more precisely resides near the Hypothalamus, a part of our brain located in the back side of the skull. “Being” is that purest form of energy. This energy puts life into a Human body. Being - is the soul that is immortal, nondestructive and is not time bounded. Which simply means it was never created by anyone and it will never be destroyed by anyone.
This is not a myth but an absolute truth it is not a belief in the religion Hinduism, but is also in the study of Science and Spirits. The Soul is immortal. It is only an energy which is transformed from one body to another.
A soul is apart from the five senses a body it is not connected to the hearing, seeing, touching, tasting features of our physical ness but is also incomplete without a body

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