This little word 'Reincarnation'. Which is derived from Latin, literally meaning, "entering the flesh again". In a few urban dictionaries it is described as: Rebirth of the soul in another human or nonhuman body. OR a reappearance or revitalization in another form; a new embodiment, this word would take me into paradise and would leave me dream about it for days. Years later, I came to know that many religions have controversial arguments on reincarnation. Some don't believe it at all and some follow it blindly.

You may wonder if this whole segment is talking about symbolism then what is reincarnation doing in this series? What is the relevance of reincarnation with symbolism? Well! Then here it is to my defenseā€¦

The religions which believe in the process of reincarnation often refer to it as a fearful and complex deed. For example, I have heard it many times when people casually say I want to do good deeds in this lifetime because I don't want to be an animal in my next birth. Or I remember my grandparents saying be nice to others, do good with them, so that you are still a human being and not a dog or a cat in your next lifetime. As a kid when you hear such horrific stories you tend to believe in them and follow them religiously. I recall, I would often tell God that I would like to be a beautiful princess in all my next births and not any animal. On the contrary my logical mind would say how can that be possible? Darwin's theory of evolution has been proven wrong decades back, how can it still be valid ?

Till I realized through spirituality that it was a myth or more so a symbol of asking humans to be fearful of your bad karma. Do good to others, be nice, compassionate, loveful, cheerful and think rationally. There is God watching you and if you are mean, ill or evil you will have to answer god, he will turn you into an animal according to your chart of good or bad karma. As current Karma impacts the future circumstances in this life, as well as the future forms and realms of life. Good intent and actions lead to good future, bad intent and actions lead to bad future, impacting how one reincarnates.

Also, proven by many studies, that the human intelligence is phenomenal, therefore once you are born as a human being you don't trans cross the species. Once a human, always a human. On the Spiritual aspect, I the soul is composed of three components which are mind, intellect and characteristics. So intellect is property of the soul which predominantly is a human soul . Henceforth, no human being is ever turned into an animal or a bird or a reptile, it only remains as a human being.

So, dear readers, this myth is just symbolic.

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