Play games: We as a family do this most, we love to play
board games for hours. Generally make two teams and play for both learning and
fun. My children love to beat us and we often celebrate our losing.
Silent dancing: Put your air pods, your favorite music and
dance to the beat. This way you are not disturbing anyone. You can do it in
your room, in the open or even in the bathroom where no one is watching you.
This activity is for any age group and also for people who think they can not
dance. It is both exercise and feeling good at the same time.
Art making: None of us are artists but we all have some sense
of art in us, which is unique for everyone. Children love to do this art making
for hours. Help them understand their creativity by getting involved with them
and appreciating them.
Cloud sculpting: I can do this for hours! It is one very
relaxing time pass. Be in the open area of your house and just look up in the
sky. Let your children get highly excited over any cloud. See shapes and
figures in clouds and enjoy your time with your family. This can be done from a
room with a big window as well.
Quiet time to self: Last but not the least. Sit quietly with
yourself and just smile. Try not to think, but just smile. Smiling takes away
stress, anxiety and any irrelevant pressure of your mind.
Hope this list was unique, and you must have
chosen a few activities you would like to do as a family. Happy family time!!
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