God,according to our beliefs plays various roles like of Supreme father or the creator of the universe or the caretaker of our birth and death and rebirth cycle. Some pf us fear him as we believe he punishes the sinners, some worship him for fulfillment of desires, some praise him for giving them their desires, some insult him, some say he resides in heaven, some say he is within me and some don't believe in his existence but some believe he is omnipresent…

When many of us believe he is omnipresent. We should ask ourselves if he is everywhere then why is there so much suffering and sorrow in today's world? If he who is considered the ocean of peace,  is in this world then why is the world, human beings and nature in such chaos? If He who is the epitome of stability, assurance, consistency.  Then why in today's times things are so unstable, unassured, non consistent? Why are humans victims of uncertain deaths, diseases, accidents, financial losses? Why is nature so in predictable, untimely hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, wildfires?

If we try to put the pieces of this puzzle we do get the answer and that is making us understand God through FEAR! Yes, when we human souls were not able to give up greed, lust, anger, ego then some of the religious people in those times and in those society structures, must have said that you better watch your doings as God is watching you, because God is everywhere.

Bingo!! Listening to this we got fearful, cautious, and aware that God is omnipresent, he is in everything and is everywhere.  We lost the meaning behind the symbolic gesture of not going on the path of wrong doings instead we took it literally and...

One of the most logical explanations I got through Spiritual knowledge and through touching of God himself were as follows:

When we address him as the creator of the universe, it implies to create a new thought process of mind, a new vision of era from Iron age to the Golden age. It doesn't say anything about creating nature or universe. As both universe and nature are beyond time.When we call him Preserver it implies to preservation of pure qualities of souls,the seven inbuilt qualities of any soul- peace, power, purity, love, happiness, honesty, and bliss. It doesn't indicate that he is the preserver of nature, soul or time. When we say he is the destructor, it implies to destroying all our vices of greed, lust, attachments, anger, and ego. It doesn't imply destroying this world. Interestingly the world never gets destroyed by God. Nothing ends in the universe, human bodies die, souls reach back home and come back on the worldly stage to play the drama again.

Hence,the logic reveals he is not omnipresent.

What do you think ?

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