To all my children who are on Earth or in Heaven abode

This is your father, the Supreme Power, the Almighty Lord

Just like you I am a soul, an energy in a form of light

You my kith and kins are resemblance of my might

I'm not to be seen by the ordinary eyes, for you need a vision

Of ‘soul consciousness’, purity and a mind on a mission

I am the only one who knows myself, no one else does

Only I can help you find me, connect with me in a buzz

I never come in this worldly drama, I live in a Supreme house

I never do karmas good or bad which I need to douse

I am the ocean of integrity, peace, harmony and bliss

You have forgotten yourself and fallen into an abyss

For you too are drops of that vast ocean of might

You shine the same fragments of light though not that bright

I give you my unconditional acceptance and love

You all are my favorites and most beloved

I never meddle in your karmic deeds

But can help reduce your sufferings, indeed!

Time, nature and soul are invincible and immortal

I didn't create them nor will I destroy this elemental

For I am your father, the Almighty lord

Or in your words the one and only- GOD!

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