This is an excerpt from my book 'Inception of our minds'. It talks about how thoughts affect each and every cell of my body.

This is my small attempt to explain or spread awareness of how humus and being work hand in hand. The being is only energized when it is interactive with the “humus” or the body, as explained in the following passage.


According to the Hindu medicinal practice known as “Ayurveda”, every human body is essentially made from five elements, namely:






Hindus believe that, upon death, these 5 elements of the human body are dissolved into the respective elements of nature, so that they can balance out the cycle of nature. Each of these five elements has its own function and characteristics, and each plays a major role in the anatomy of the human body.


The first element “earth” is translated to Bhumi in Sanskrit. This element is made of the five senses: Hearing, Smell, Taste, Touch and Sight. “Earth” refers to the muscles and bones in the physical body.


The second element is “water”, Jal in Sanskrit. This element has no odor but can be heard, felt, seen and tasted. “Water” refers to blood and other fluids when talking about the human body.


The next element in the human body is “fire”, Agni in Sanskrit. In the human body, this would be represented by the temperature, or “jatharagni”. It can be heard, felt and seen.


The fourth element is “air”, Pavan in Sanskrit.  Air can be felt and heard only; one cannot see the air. In the case of the human body, the oxygen and carbon dioxide would be the Air.


The fifth is “space,” which is translated in Sanskrit as Aakash. Space is the medium of sound, but is inaccessible to all other senses. In the human body, Space refers to Atma, or Soul.

In Hindu mythology, the combination of these 5 elements make up our bodies, and dissolves into their respective elements upon death.As mentioned earlier, each cell of our body is affected by our thoughts. This is how we see the impact of our thoughts on our bodies: if we think positively, we feel happy, peaceful, and pure. We love to make others happy, too, by willingly doing favors for them. When we do this, our blood pressure declines, our joy-filled heart has a lower pulse rate, our sugar numbers are steady, and there is a glow of happiness on our face.

The results are so prominent that they are visible to all the people around us. It is something similar to what we experience during a joyful family event, or a family vacation. There is not even a trace of negativity, and all is so positive that both our body and mind are in harmony.

Whereas when we only think negatively, the energy of our body is drained out so easily that we feel lethargic, low, and helpless. We don’t have the stamina to work or even to complete our daily chores. The body feels weak; the blood pressure, sugar, and pulse numbers are all spiked up. Stress, anxiety, and low self-esteem are written all over our faces. We fall into this ditch of negativity and don’t come out of it for hours, depleting the energy of both the mind and body.

To conclude, I would like to say :Only a healthy mind brings a healthy body and not vice-versa!

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