An acquaintance, asked me a question after seeing the title of my book “Inception of our minds”. His question was isn't our mind, our brain?  His question made me write this post. It explains the misconception of a brain and a soul which some of us carry  lifelong. I have attempted to give a clear understanding of the subject in this post kindly enjoy reading.

Brain is a very  complex physical organ of our body and has specific functions. It is visible to the naked eyes and can be touched. Brain is protected within the skull, the brain is composed of the cerebrum, cerebellum, and brainstem.The brain acts  through our five senses: sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing.The primary functions of the brain are relaying information between the brain and the body and performing critical functions in controlling the heart, breathing and consciousness. Brain collects them in different compartments hence concepts, perspectives, memories and other mental activities are developed.

Soul is a kinetic energy which generates thoughts which are a creative energy, creations of human mind they are transferred into human brains where they get processed and intellect acts upon them. Between the cerebrum and brainstem lie the thalamus and hypothalamus, where resides the soul as proven by a few Neuroscientists. Neuroscience, is the study of the brain it is physical and Spirituality is the study of the soul is metaphysical,more in form of an experience.

Brain is a matter which can be touched, seen, felt  whereas, a soul is a form of energy. It is invisible, and very subtle. It can only be felt just like one can feel the air, warmth, heat etc. The soul is an energy which runs the body, once this kinetic energy is out of the body the body is lifeless. Despite the fact that the brain will still be there in that lifeless body but won't perform any functions.The soul has not been seen by the naked eyes so there are numerous theories related to its existence,but the fundamental theory is that there is no body without a soul and a soul is inactive without a body. Some people might try finding a connection but the two but in reality these two things are separate in forms and properties.

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