My rebirth!

Hi! I go by Ahsinam. 10 years ago, my father passed away at the undeserving young age of 69. The only thing left of his essence was his photograph framed on the wall. He was there beside me one day and lost forever the next. Life began to slowly drag along as before, but I felt a change in myself. At times I would feel unadulterated rage at one and all for stealing the one person who always believed in me away from me. At other times I would feel like a vacuum of guilt, taking in all the blame and flinging it on myself. So many things were left unsaid. So much I should have, could have done. I began to question the average life I was living, on a constant hunt for success and societal acceptance. If life could be stolen away from me without a moment’s notice, what did it all really matter? That is when I asked myself the question that would change my life forever – what is my purpose here in this life?

What exactly happens when one person dies? Where does one go? Beyond what becomes of their body, what becomes of their mind, their soul, if you will? How does this very same soul affect us in our everyday endeavours? I, like so many others rudely awaken by a death, began to churn the gears in my brain. In hopes of finding some sort of explanation, I began to read Scriptures like the “Bhagavad Gita,” which Hindu philosophers believe to be God’s true words. The intense read was so confusingly eye-opening that I had to search elsewhere for a simpler meaning. I began to listen to spiritual talks by a group called the BKWSU,” and reading other writings by famous philosophers and spiritualists. The more I researched, the more I realized that everyone was preaching the same thing – purification of the thought process to discover one’s true self. After seeping in the knowledge and churning the mind for 7 years I decided to write and share it with all, hence “Inception of our minds was born”.

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